Update time
No sensations really
09 Sep 2006, 17:47 (0 Comments)
I gotta update my site before DRD Team gets hot on my ass. Anyway, some new paintings. I'll upload some more stuff soon once I get more time. That's basically it. Work and work and work is taking most of my time now. |
4 new paintings
omg update
22 Jul 2006, 18:10 (3 Comments)
Head over to the works section for 4 new paintins I've done over this weekend. Pretty basic stuff.
Maybe some explainage why this lazy ass hasn't updated his page with new stuff-first of all-life. No surprise. The goosechase after high schools is a period most of those rich-parents kids who always get high marks and cool games will come through easily. Not me. I chase highschools quickly, but there comes the issue of me getting payment. I need to find some sort of a job so I can start collecting cash and not leech my family. This is rediclous to a degree, then again, some folks have 40 years and still live with their folks This will happen once I get my driving license. This will happen in 3 weeks or so. No wait, there's still the trucker's driving license (C category according to the law here in Poland), which is my desire too.
Finally, I'm helluva busy with R One (or Roner, or whatever). That crap isn't even 1/8 done and because of stupid-ass computer I have no money to upgrade (so it can in the least stop crashing!) progress can slow down a bit. Naturally, all models, textures and shit I do for that stuff is, shhh, top secrat, so I can't show off them here. Not now. In about 3 months or so (I may be luckier, though?) I'll make a webpage specially for R One.
Cheers peeps. |
Gimme textures
another update?
26 Jun 2006, 14:16 (6 Comments)
Why hello there!
To be honest, I've decided that not only concept artworks will be shown on my little site, so to attract more eyes, there will be also game resources (which is my true calling) here as well. For now only some crap for oldschool doom is downloadable, but I'm planning on expanding that as I go deeper into newer games. So I've uploaded links to my (infamous) texture packs, as well some older crap I've finally managed to post. In my works I've got the hi-res re-release of the first textures pack and the 3rd final installment of Nmn corp. (I got no idea why I'm making those textures since no one really uses them ) and later, we'll see how things will evolve. I hope this forces me to make more updates, so they don't happen in like 6 months. |
Hello 2006
an update? Can't be..
01 Jan 2006, 20:39 (2 Comments)
That's right, I've decided to take some proper care of the place dedicated to my works now I have a bit more time. I'll do my best then, to keep it updated, more often that is. Wether I'm going to keep to this new year's resolution or not only time will tell. Especially my free time.
The new addition, besides 2 new paintings (one including a snippet from the all-mysterious project of DRD Team-R One), in the Works area is a new album called "Sketches". As the title suggests, these are scarce on color, being b&w or tinted sketches of quite a variety of junk I can draw when I have 10 minutes of free time to be spent by the comp. I'll be updating this section quite often as it's easy to make sketches quick, and they are fun because I can put a lot of ideas into one picture quickly. I'll be updating this more often. They'd be much more numerous, if my HD didn't crash like there's no tomorrow..
That said, I'm planning on incorporating my weapon art I've done for the Doom Community into the PCS for download. Right now I'm in the phase of refining the old junk so they actually seem like good weapons. I'm proud of having my junk featured in several weapon mods, like Zen Dynamics or Batteries Still Not Included, so I'd like to give the guys of the Doom Armory something in repay. I got 6 weapons refined and finished. Many to go..
Last but not least comes a promise-I'm hoping on adding some comics to the PCS, which, I hope, will surely provide something much more interesting to see than single pictures. I got several comics laying around, but it'll take a bit of time to finish them, as it took me a bit of time to start them anyway. They will take time, but that doesn't change the fact I will post some in the nearby future.
Oh, I almost forgot. I changed the layout in the PCS (nothing serious, but the logo looks much better in my opinion now. And I was really sick of blue. Orange is better. Heh, this is in no way related to the so-overhyped cell-phone network here in Poland that recently appeared. ). If it's still looking old, or odd, hit refresh. The albums themselves have been much better organised into Environments, Machines and Sketches, instead of theme-based ones. I'll be adding Characters and Comics Sections as soon as it is possible.
Finally (phew) I've changed the redicolous "Info" contents into something remotely normal ;) and updated the links, removing those who got obsolete over the time. Pity.
That's all. Cheers and take care. |
3 new paintings
New machines of war and destruction
22 Aug 2005, 23:40 (1 Comment)
Finally I took my lazy self to upload something new. That's about it, the rest is junk or wips.
Only recently I've been more into comic-oriented business
I'm hoping to do a couple as well, but am horribly busy with R_One.
The concept art is going steadily and so are textures. For now everything is in the early phases but
Not only that, Wild Weasel (from the Doom armory) is preparing a really cool mod called "Vision"-very Resident Evilish. Remembering my old Haze mod that sadly got abandoned I could do nothing else but agree when he asked for help.
So far I got some concept art done and preparing to do cutscenes as the beatiful boomstick is getting done. I'll probably enhance the workshop with my wads and game graphics later on |